Suspicions arising from when your opponent is on any two card should lead you to fight back. This is true especially when your opponent might not suspect that you put them on a very wide range or when it would be quite expensive for them to find out whether you are on a move.
This suggests that it’s worth your while to improve your ability to learn your opponents “any two” online poker propensities. Even if you don’t manage to catch them out, they are valuable and your skills will develop.
How do you discover when an opponent is likely to play any two cards? The answer is to look at situations from your opponent’s perspective. You only need to find the situations in which they’re likely to be operative.
Easy blinds and blind stealers
Sometimes online poker players will widen their ranges for reasons only particular to them but at other times, logic will suggest a blind raise. Usually the blinds here are so tight as to increase the chances that an open-raise will win the pot immediately. This happens often in poker tournaments.
There are also many examples of emotion causing bad play. The attitude of entitlement is notable for the impatience it causes and for the way it can blind a player at any given situation. The feeling that one deserves the money is more likely to make someone forget what his cards are or not to take care in the first place.