Nobody can deny the fact that self-control is essential to your online poker success. Discipline is called on in a variety of different ways during a poker session. You should not play if you are tired, hungry, anxious or feeling emotional.
Once you take a seat, it takes self-control to throw away one bad starting hand after another. It takes self-control to leave the game with a loss if you know that you haven’t been playing well or if the competition is too tough.
What can lessen your self-control in online poker
Provided the need for a healthy store of self-control, we have to be aware of the things that can drain our reservoir of self-control faster than usual.
Being physically uncomfortable: This can mean anything from being hungry, thirsty, sitting on a hard chair to being hot or needing to use the restroom. Take affirmative measures that will help you relax and which could lead you to better decisions.
Being annoyed: It requires to actively resist the urge to lash out at whatever it is that’s bothering you. The annoyance can arise from anything: This could be people being slow, a chatty player or players that don’t know the rules and procedures. Make sure you monitor yourself, so you have total control of your emotions.
Being unlucky: There is nothing you can do about this but you have to be aware that it is happening and that it could take a toll on your ability to make good decisions.
Unrelated troubles: If you are having things on your mind from your personal life you might get agitated more quickly. This can have a huge effect on your gameplay.
How to increase your self-control in online poker
Given the need for a healthy store of self-control when you’re enjoying a game of online poker, we will highlight how to exercise your self-control “muscles” so you have a bigger reserve of it turning you into a poker champion.
Play from a seat that is not your usual spot: This will force you to see things from a different perspective from the one you’re used to at the table. You won’t always get to choose where to sit, especially when you’re playing in an online poker tournaments.
Avoid distractions: If you have different distractions such as playing games or checking your social media regularly, set intervals of time that will force you into keeping your phone out of sight. You can live without your phone for just a bit.
Exercise away from the poker table: Remember that self-control is flexible and can be applied to every aspect of your life. Force yourself to make healthy choices in your diet, stopping when you’re full or to avoid having an extra potion. Push yourself hard in physical exercise and replace a completely bad habit with a good habit.
All the above will help strengthen your self-control, which will result in making great decisions and conquering the poker table.